Tuesday 29 September 2009

MD Audience Research Planning

For our audience research, we have decided we will conduct a Focus group and also a questionnaire to find out what our audience expect to see in a music video from our genre. We will start by finding a group of about 5 people who will often watch Rock Pop music videos so therefore they will be aged from teenagers to early 20s. Giving each of them a questionnaire we would have created, will help us find out what the public like to see in a music video from the Rock Pop genre such as costume, location and camera techniques. After each member of the Focus group has completed the questionnaire, we will gather their answers and discuss any ideas they might have come up with during the questionnaire. This will give us an even better idea of what our audience looks to see in a music video from the Rock Pop genre. We feel that a group discussion between us and members of our target audience is vital to create a well put together music video. Within our questionnaire we will have a mixture of question styles along with potentially more open and precise answers. The advantages of using both a focus group and a questionnaire are that we as a group are able to discuss original answers written on the questionnaire and then go back to them at the end and see if any ideas have changed after a discussion. Some of the disadvantages when using a focus group is that some people may not take it seriously, but we will be able to overcome that by using a questionnaire with a wide variety of open and precise potential answers.

1 comment:

  1. Good start Sam, more detail about managing the group is needed, who, when,where
